About The California Cadet Corps

The California Cadet Corps (CACC) was founded on April 5, 1911 by then Adjutant General of the State of California, Brigadier General Edwin Alexander Forbes. The program has existed in nearly every California high school: public, private, parochial, and military, at some time since 1911. Today, the program's objectives are to develop leadership, citizenship, patriotism, promote academic excellence, encourage personal health and wellness, and teach basic military subjects.

Some of today's cadet activities include the annual summer encampment, bivouacs, drill competitions, leadership schools, marksmanship training, and Community Emergency Respose Team (CERT) training.

Our Command Team

Leaders That Make the SRA Cadets Possible!


1SGT Julio Rodriguez

Assistant Commandant

CWO3 Mohamad Qasem

Assistant Commandant

1LT Kelli Romo

Commanding Officer

Cardinal Nord

Executive Officer

Alec Dice

Command Sergeant Major

Jesus Molina


Dakota Kolt


Mariama Jagne


Braiden Dospital


Samantha Pierce





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